Species-appropriate nutrition: How your cat likes it.

Variety in the food bowl means variety in the cat's life. It is always important that the velvet paw receives all the important nutrients.

Braun-weiße Katze streckt ihre Zunge raus

What seems most natural to us, pure meat, is not sufficient for a healthy cat diet. Beef fillet is certainly a high-quality meal for us humans - but without side dishes it is rather unbalanced. As a carnivore, cats are also not optimally supplied with pure meat. It lacks important minerals, vitamins and other vital substances that it would get from a complete meal typical of cats: a mouse. Along with meat, it also consumes bones and plant-based raw materials. The latter together with the intestinal contents of its prey.

Back to nature. With natural pieces of meat.

Cooking for your cat is of course extremely tasty - but also time-consuming. And especially in stressful everyday life, preparing a natural meal can be extremely laborious. When you cook, you mainly use chicken breast, turkey fillet, heart or beef. In addition, other nutrients must be added as supplementary food, as these are necessary for healthy cat development. It's good to have a product for everyday use that comes as close as possible to a cat's natural diet. That's why Vitakraft's Poésie Délice combines natural meat and fish pieces with all the nutrients your cat needs for a healthy, long life. At the same time, the wide range of varieties adds variety to the food bowl. From turkey fillet to cod. So if you want to offer your cat natural food without having to regularly stand at the stove and calculate vitamin and mineral supplements, Vitakraft Poésie Délice is a good alternative.

Snack games for cats: Working out food instead of just "feeding"

Cats live in a land of milk and honey. While predators in the wild have to work for their food, it is a matter of course for our domestic cats to be served bite-sized food every day. Periods of hunger and food stress? Not a chance. What sounds like paradise is not necessarily ideal. And not really species-appropriate either. Apart from the fact that our furry friends regularly lack a real sense of achievement, the pleasure of eating is also quickly over: they usually suck up the food from the bowl like little vacuum cleaners. Snack toys help to make feeding more exciting.

Snack toys to buy

You can find lots of food toys for cats in the shops: Intelligence toys, snack balls, fumble boards, treat towers, rustling mats with holes, combining tubes, holes, seesaws, tiers and much more from which the cats have to "fumble" dry food. As is so often the case, our velvet paws have their preferences here too. While one cat is intensively occupied with the fumble tower, the other prefers to work her way through a course of labyrinths and tubes or enthusiastically chases her food ball across the apartment. Conclusion: A ready-made snack toy is easy to buy, but if your cat doesn't jump at it, it's money wasted.

Make your own snack toy

An inexpensive alternative is to make your own snack toys. You can find what you need in every household. A quick and easy solution is an empty kitchen or toilet roll. Simply place the treats inside and stuff the ends with paper. How long does it take your cat to get to the food? Toilet paper rolls can also be stacked vertically in a small box. Your cat can then fish the treats out of the rolls. An empty cardboard box also offers many possibilities. Simply fill it up with crumpled paper and hide the treats in between.

Training and search games with wet food

The toys mentioned above are often intended for dry food or treats. If you want to work with wet food, then other games are more suitable. Pieces of food can be attached to a lure stick. Possibly also in a small bag with a string attached. This construction is a great way to train your cats on courses. You can use the stick to show your cat the way and, for example, send them through tunnels, make them jump back and forth on platforms or encourage them to jump up. Or distribute the wet food ration into small bowls that you can hide around the house. This way, your cat will have to sniff out its meal bit by bit. If you have two or more cats, you should divide the foraging between different rooms. This will ensure that each cat gets its own portion. You can find the right wet food here.

Food games for Christmas

Christmas paper or gift boxes are great for hiding food in. For example, take a slightly opened tin of wet food and hide it in a small box wrapped in wrapping paper. The cat will already smell the "roast" and start unwrapping it. This way, your cat can take part in the gift-giving. Or you can make a kind of advent calendar with treats or small portions of wet food. Now the cat has to playfully tap on the right number and the little door or bag will open.