Varied mixtures for species-appropriate enjoyment.

Whether a healthy treat to spoil your pet or a delicious snack to support its health – Vitakraft Cocktails provide plenty of variety. All mixes contain natural ingredients and valuable vitamins.

Get to know the advantages

Packshots Cocktail


Mixtures for budgies.

  • FRUIT COCKTAIL for spoiling your pet
  • Treats with cereals, seeds, and delicious fruits
  • MAUSER COCKTAIL for full plumage
  • With vitamins, minerals, and methionine


Mixtures for canaries.

  • FRUIT COCKTAIL for spoiling your pet
  • Treats with seeds, cereals, and delicious fruits
  • MAUSER COCKTAIL for full plumage
  • With vitamins, minerals, and methionine


Treats for parakeets, parrots, and love-birds.

  • Healthy mixtures to spoil your pet
  • FRUIT COCKTAIL with delicious fruits
  • FARMERS COCKTAIL with tasty vegetables
  • Natural ingredients – controlled quality

Vitakraft Cocktails

Keyvisual Vitakraft Produkt Mauserhilfe für Vögel
Gelbes Häkchen
WITHOUT added sugar

In order to ensure a natural diet, no sugar is added to the mixtures.

Gelbes Häkchen
PURE mixtures

All bird feed does not contain any artificial colourants, flavouring substances, or preservatives.

Gelbes Häkchen

All main feeds are developed with veterinarians and bird experts and are ideally suited to the needs of each bird species.

Gelbes Häkchen
QUALITY from the market leader

Vitakraft is the No. 1 brand in the “bird snacks” segment in Germany.

AC Nielsen, LEH+DM+CC+Pet Stores, supplementary pet bird feed, Top Brands, Sales in €, MAT calendar week 18 2023

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