Summer, sun - budgie weather!

For your budgies, the bright season with summer temperatures is like a holiday. But especially with increasing heat, the little Australians are also happy about a refreshing cooling off. We show you how you can get through the summer together.

Grün-Gelber Wellensittich sitzt auf einer Fensterbank

Where there is sun, there should also be shade.

Even though budgies originally come from hot and dry areas, they can easily overheat when exposed to direct sunlight. Better is a nice place in the shade (e.g. under a tree). Even in the shade, your budgies still get enough valuable UV radiation for vitamin D production. Also with outdoor aviaries, it is important that a part of the aviary is in the shade the whole day. If you have a balcony, it’s best to put a parasol over the cage in order to protect your birds from too much direct heat. Close the door securely with a carabiner. Also make sure that neither dogs nor cats nor birds of prey can get to the cage. You don’t have a balcony or garden? A short (temporary) sunbath at the open window is then also possible – provided that the cage is well secured and a part of the cage is still in the shade.

Summer freshness also indoors.

If you like to let your budgies fly around freely – or even have a separate bird room – give them some fresh air as well. To do this, you should fit the window with a sturdy mesh. Preferably one that is also used for aviaries. If you put only a fly screen on the window, you absolutely have to stay close to it. Otherwise, your budgies may damage the screen with their strong beaks and find a way out.

A paddling pool for budgies

Despite their love of warmth, your budgies also appreciate a little refreshment on hot summer days. Many of the small scimitars love to splash around in the water and then devote themselves to maintaining their plumage. As a bathing place, you can offer a shallow bowl with a non-slip bottom. For example, an unglazed clay pot saucer or a plastic model with grooves. There are also special bath houses available in shops. Fill the budgie bath only with just enough water to allow your birds to stand safely.

What to do with water-shy budgies?

Do you have any that won’t accept either the bowl or the bathhouse? If so, you can put some chickweed or carrot tops in the bath water. Perhaps your darlings will then overcome their shyness of water. Or you can see whether they enjoy the fine mist from a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with fresh water, and spray your birds from a distance of about 50 cm. Be careful not to get the spray in their eyes. You can also hang wet branches from fruit trees in the cage. Your budgies will investigate them enthusiastically – and get their refreshment that way.

Liquid is good – also from the inside.

When temperatures are high, it is important that your budgies take in enough fluids. The first measure is a regular change of drinking water. This can quickly become contaminated in the summer and thus increases the risk of disease. It’s best to change the water at least twice a day. You can also offer your pets juicy snacks. Cucumber slices are particularly suitable. They keep fresh longer than fruit or lettuce. Chickweed from your garden is also a healthy, refreshing snack.

When it gets too warm for budgies.

If the thermometer approaches the 30°C mark, it becomes too warm even for the little Australians. Bring your budgies back inside once it has cooled down. Not cool enough? Then close the shutters during the day and ventilate extensively in the morning and evening hours. Damp towels over the cage provide an extra dose of coolness through evaporation. Your budgie also likes a mild breeze. By tilting a window or opening a door, you can provide more freshness. Direct drafts from an air conditioner or fan should be avoided. This is also a good idea for you and your budgies: Find out more about air purifiers. They can also provide a gentle, refreshing breeze.