Heat free tips: Happy rodents in the summer.

Do you love the summer? Do you live for 30°C in the shade? Then the most beautiful season lies ahead of you. But it’s different for rabbits and other rodents. For them, heat is pure stress. But with these tips, you can help get your rodents through the summer.

weißes Kaninchen liegt auf grüner Wiese

Rabbits are naturally cave animals and spend hot days in their burrow deep underground. Guinea pigs come from the cool Andes of South America. But even for desert dwellers such as hamsters or gerbils, the comfortable temperature stops at 22°C. At the latest when the thermometer climbs above 25°C, it is time for you to take action.

The simplest solution: escape the heat

On really hot days, you should simply play it safe. In plain language: Find the coolest place for your rodent. Maybe you have a room in your basement where they can spend stay until evening? A room with air conditioning? Or a cool garage? Ideal for both you and your animals. Because then you don’t have to keep a constant eye on your pets. For your four-legged friends, the move to their new quarters will quickly become routine. And much easier to cope with than heat stress.

It’s good if you can provide sufficient shade

If you don’t have this option, there are a few tricks to keep them cool. You will have carefully chosen the place for the outdoor enclosure. It offers sufficient shade around the clock – even on sunny days. Ideally by a tree or by non-toxic shrubs directly in the enclosure. If you keep your animals indoors, keep the blinds closed as a first measure. The rooms will then heat up less. In the evening, open the windows in order to let the night coolness into the room. A tile with a smooth surface is often welcomed rodents on hot days because this helps them stay cool for a long time.

Additional refreshments welcome

In the outdoor enclosure, you should provide your pets with an open shelter – such as a tunnel or bridge – in addition to their little house. This is because the air accumulates in the house when it is hot. Both indoors and outdoors, you can cover the enclosure with wet cloths. This will provide a pleasant evaporative cooling. Cool slabs or a damp sandbox are a favourite summer resting place, especially for rabbits. Many animals also love to snuggle up to cold objects. To do this, place glass bottles half-filled with water in the freezer. Before you offer them to your animals, put them in a thick sock, which you tie at the end. It is generally not advisable to use artificial cooling elements because the components are often toxic. In order be sure that they are safe, use only those that are designed specifically for animals. Even with these, it is advisable to additionally protect them from rodent teeth. An alternative to this is a wet brick, which creates extra coolness through evaporation. Many guinea pigs also love to cool their paws in the water bowl. Some rabbits can be refreshed by rubbing their ears with water.

Water march without end

Speaking of water. Offer your animals water in bowls on hot days. That way, you can be sure they’re taking in enough. And don’t give up on the bottle before they’ve taken in enough liquid. Change the water several times a day. The temperature from the cold tap is just right. Ice cold water is well intentioned but carries the risk of colic.

Rodent diet plan for hot days

You may find that your rodents show little appetite on hot days. They then make up for it in the evening. This is a natural reaction to relieve the circulation. You should adjust the food rations accordingly. Give your pets food that is as low in calories as possible during the day. Hay and dry herbs are ideal and may be freely available. This also applies to our Vita Verde® Nature Dinner “Herb Garden” or Vita Verde® Kräcker. Quickly perishable fresh food such as grass and lettuce should be offered only in the evening. This is because it can easily ferment in the heat and again quickly lead to colic. However, cucumbers are always a refreshing and easily digestible snack. They contain a lot of liquid and hardly any sugar – unlike the popular watermelons. Also important: Refrain from offering them frozen fruits or “ice bombs”. What we tolerate well can really upset a small animal’s stomach.

If you follow all the tips, your beloved rodent will certainly get through the summer well. You can find the right Vitakraft rodent food here.