Tip: 1 Musical “sound therapy”.
Do cats with their sensitive hearing actually like music? As scientists have found out, not all types. Heavy metal or techno are not particularly enjoyed by cats. However, there are sounds that cats love and find pleasant. Especially sounds that are an octave higher. For example, instruments such as the violin, cello, or keyboard. And these can be found especially in classical music. From Johann Sebastian Bach to Claude Debussy. Soft, classical sounds lead to calmer breathing and a balanced heartbeat. Just try what you and your cat like. By the way, there are also quite a few music suggestions for cats on YouTube. Simply find some suitable music and relax together!
Tip: 2 Take a break from everyday life with scents.

As a cat owner, you know: cats love valerian. But humans tend to find this scent rather malodorous. A good scented oil with mint or lemon balm is good for both of you. It’s both balancing and revitalising. Rosemary and lavender are good for helping you and your feline friend relax. Neroli and chamomile also have a particularly calming effect. However, the following scents are not particularly suitable for cats: cinnamon, clove, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus. So put on some scents and make your way to the sofa. Add some candlelight and relaxing music. The perfect way to relax.
Tip: 3 Intensive cuddling and massages.

Cuddling is not only good for you. It also creates an intense bond between you and your cat. In the wild, whole families of cats snuggle close together to mix their scents, thereby creating a “group smell”. So give your cat a sense of security and safety. But beware: Petting is not the same as cuddling! For some cats, being petted for too long makes them uncomfortable. They like it best when they can determine their own time and place to cuddle. The same is true if you want to give your cat a nice massage. For example, you can gently massage their neck. To do this, gently grasp the lower half of its neck with your thumb and forefinger, and make circular movements. It’s better to go too slow than too fast. An extensive back massage is also beneficial. To do this, simply slide your thumb and forefinger down the spine with light pressure. Make sure that your fingers are always next to the vertebrae. You can repeat this movement several times. Always massage away from the neck in the direction of the tail. What all cats love: stroking with the index finger from the lower neck to the chin. A real pleasure!
Tip: 4 Read a nice book together.

Especially in the cold season, it’s nice to nestle up with a good book. It’s great if your cat enjoys it as much as you do. To share this with your cat, simply read a few pages aloud. Cats also respond to voices. Especially yours, which your cat knows and loves. Of course, only if your voice sounds relaxed. Of course, your cat probably doesn’t understand what you read to it. But it’s sure to enjoy listening to you anyway. You can also relax with the reading aloud and concentrate on your breathing.
Tip: 5 Create a nice lighting atmosphere.

Light can also have a stimulating effect on cats. For example, light therapy is now an integral part of veterinary medicine. Especially alternating light (green-red-blue) can have a calming effect. Blue has a relaxing effect and green a balancing effect. LED bulbs that change colour are now available for purchase. Simply try out which colour tone suits you and your cat. You don’t like artificial light? A nice flickering candle or a crackling fireplace are of course also perfect for a relaxing atmosphere.
Whether listening to music or giving a massage - the same applies to all tips: first put yourself in a relaxed situation. When your cat joins you on the sofa and cuddles up next to you or even jumps on your lap, the time is right for relaxing moments. Just feel each other’s body heat. Enjoy your quality time together.
Do cats with their sensitive hearing actually like music? As scientists have found out, not all types. Heavy metal or techno are not particularly enjoyed by cats. However, there are sounds that cats love and find pleasant. Especially sounds that are an octave higher. For example, instruments such as the violin, cello, or keyboard. And these can be found especially in classical music. From Johann Sebastian Bach to Claude Debussy. Soft, classical sounds lead to calmer breathing and a balanced heartbeat. Just try what you and your cat like. By the way, there are also quite a few music suggestions for cats on YouTube. Simply find some suitable music and relax together!
As a cat owner, you know: cats love valerian. But humans tend to find this scent rather malodorous. A good scented oil with mint or lemon balm is good for both of you. It’s both balancing and revitalising. Rosemary and lavender are good for helping you and your feline friend relax. Neroli and chamomile also have a particularly calming effect. However, the following scents are not particularly suitable for cats: cinnamon, clove, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus. So put on some scents and make your way to the sofa. Add some candlelight and relaxing music. The perfect way to relax.
Cuddling is not only good for you. It also creates an intense bond between you and your cat. In the wild, whole families of cats snuggle close together to mix their scents, thereby creating a “group smell”. So give your cat a sense of security and safety. But beware: Petting is not the same as cuddling! For some cats, being petted for too long makes them uncomfortable. They like it best when they can determine their own time and place to cuddle. The same is true if you want to give your cat a nice massage. For example, you can gently massage their neck. To do this, gently grasp the lower half of its neck with your thumb and forefinger, and make circular movements. It’s better to go too slow than too fast. An extensive back massage is also beneficial. To do this, simply slide your thumb and forefinger down the spine with light pressure. Make sure that your fingers are always next to the vertebrae. You can repeat this movement several times. Always massage away from the neck in the direction of the tail. What all cats love: stroking with the index finger from the lower neck to the chin. A real pleasure!
Especially in the cold season, it’s nice to nestle up with a good book. It’s great if your cat enjoys it as much as you do. To share this with your cat, simply read a few pages aloud. Cats also respond to voices. Especially yours, which your cat knows and loves. Of course, only if your voice sounds relaxed. Of course, your cat probably doesn’t understand what you read to it. But it’s sure to enjoy listening to you anyway. You can also relax with the reading aloud and concentrate on your breathing.
Light can also have a stimulating effect on cats. For example, light therapy is now an integral part of veterinary medicine. Especially alternating light (green-red-blue) can have a calming effect. Blue has a relaxing effect and green a balancing effect. LED bulbs that change colour are now available for purchase. Simply try out which colour tone suits you and your cat. You don’t like artificial light? A nice flickering candle or a crackling fireplace are of course also perfect for a relaxing atmosphere.
Whether listening to music or giving a massage - the same applies to all tips: first put yourself in a relaxed situation. When your cat joins you on the sofa and cuddles up next to you or even jumps on your lap, the time is right for relaxing moments. Just feel each other’s body heat. Enjoy your quality time together.